Happy New Year. Our year is off with a bang. Seraya had her emergency suregery and alot of money later our cat is doing well. She was taking the staples out and had to be put in above suit. Awfully funny as she did not like her little suit at all.
I was on call New Years eve and we were sleeping when 2008 rolled in. For the end of the year, our church had a big fiesta and barbecue. It was great to spend time with friends. Work is cranking along. Dixie started the new year by doing a triathalon this am. You go girl. To all out there, do something in 2008 you have always dreamed of doing. Carpe diem.
It is such a joy to watch you two have such a great time with your lives. We miss you here & remember you are always welcome back:)
Hope your cat is okay!
Happy New Year Flys! Hope to see and dive with you soon! By the way I went diving in Tulamben, Bali! Seraya's secret rocks!=)
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