Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Great Wall

The Wild Wall

Climbing the Great Wall was a life highlight for Dixie and I. We got lucky and were able to climb a portion of the wall that is normally closed to visitors. It was so beautiful and serene. For the last hour, we were the only ones on the Wall in either direction. It was great to be on a section that is still the original Wall and not redone as most of the other sections around Beijing are.


Front of the Forbidden City

Tianamen Square

North Corner Forbidden City
Temple Of Heaven

Taking Over
Beijing was amazing. We stayed withing walking distance of the Forbidden City and Tianamen Square. Our favorite place was The Temple of Heaven and the surrounding park. Early in the morning there are hundreds of people there doing all kinds of different exercises and aerobics. A highlight was being taught by an older lady how to use a 15 foot whip. It is a really good arm workout. The food was interesting. We only got hussled by one taxi driver, but refused to pay his rate. Fun fun. The olympic fascilities have a long way to go til done, but they said things are on schedule. Being in China, walking in Tianamen Square, and climbing the Wall were a dream trip come to life.

Hong Kong

Dixie on the Star Ferry
The view from The Peak
Hong Kong Island skyline
We just got back from a great trip to Hong Kong and Beijing. Hong Kong is a great city. A very fascinating blend of cultures. The harbor gives the sense of space and is fantastic. The best night lights we have ever seen.
The mexican food we ate rivaled Brewster. It is hard to get good Mexican on Guam. The night we visited the peak a tropical storm was in full swing. We got pounded with wind and rain. Good times.
Hong Kong is definitely a world city that should not be missed.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

SDA Clinic 50th Celebration Weekend

Momma Ordelheide with the crew at Top O The MarSabbath dinner at Chad and Sho's
Girls just wanna have fun
Always exciting tent meetings
This weekend, the SDA clinic celebrated it's 50th year on Guam. It was fun to have friends visit and help celebrate 50 years of service by the clinic to the people of Guam.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Power of One

I have just finished a great book titled Three Cups of Tea pictured above. It is the story of Greg Mortenson and his efforts to build schools and bring education to the children of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The impact he has been able to have is amazing, and I highly recommend the read.

We are here on this planet to make a difference. Each of us has our circle of influence to fight for justice and promote peace. It is imperative to keep our focus on helping those in need and show love and acceptance for those who may have none.

All around the world we are part of different cultures, but we all seek the same goals of love, peace, beauty, and a chance to pursue our dreams.

The Great Outdoors

We had a great morning walk on the Hilton grounds on Sabbath. The nature all around us speaks to us of God's presence 24/7. The sunsets were great last week.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Diving

Eric, Chad, Jordan went diving with Gordon in his boat in Apra Harbor for labor day. Thanks Gordon for the great time, as always. Here are a couple of picks. I snuck up on this turtle trying to get close before he took off.

Golf and Spa day on Saipan

Kingfisher Golf Course

Us in the flower pool at the spa.

The infinity pool at sunset

We really got the chance to kick back and relax by golfing and then spending the rest of the day at the Mandi Asian spa. What a great day in Saipan.