Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Life and times

Mothers Day bkfst on the beach

The Nudi hunters
DOC bible study group and baptisms

For the grandparents
Nap time

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Phillipines Underwater

The Blue Ring Octopus
Hallaxa sp
Dendrodoris tuberculosa
Chromodoris albopunctata
Certasoma alleni
Atagema ornata
I won't hurt you
Soft coral cowrie
New dragonet
Chromodoris sp
Risbecia sp

The other blue ring octopus
Citron goby
Phillinopsis speciosa
Phestilla melanobranchia
Phylidiopsis annae
Phyllodesmium parangatum
Phyllosemium rudmani
Phyllodesmium sp 8
Sagaminopteron bilealum
Sagaminopteron ornatum
Trapania sp
Tritonia sp