Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mission trip to Pampanga, PI

The group

Mike and Bernelle doing a tule
The Pharmacy
Removing a mouth mass
Finished product
With the officials
Jerry at ICC

Cara and the kids who attended the photo workshop
Photo kids and Jun
Market yumminess!Truck to the mountains
IM Rocephin
Song time

Clothes handout chaos
One of the microfinance projects
Kids in the neighborhood
Morning worship
Playing at the public orphanage
Kathy and Catherine with the babies
New friends at ICC
I just gotback from a week long trip to International Childrens Care in Pampanga, Phillipines. While there we did a bunch of medical outreach clinics, a photogrpahy workshop, played with the kids and helped out where needed. No air con, slept in a tent and buckets for showers for a week. It was a spiritual high and hopefully we were able to show the community there that God loves them very much. If anyone is interested in donating money to the projects there check out freechildmovement.org

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dad and Connie visit Guam

With Papa Jim and Tita Connie

On the banana boat
Dad and Dixie parasailing

A little sea kayaking
We had a great time with Dad and Connie coming to Guam for the first time. The parasailing and banana boat ride were a highlight. Ethan really enjoyed spending time with his grand parents. We stayed very busy with island touring, snorkeling, sea kayaking and eating. Ha ha.