Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tulamben, Bali

Airport in Taipei
Chillin with mom in the pool
Mt. Agoun
Ethan and his new friend
Diving Seraya beach

The next Fly diver
I love vacation

Relaxing at the Villa

We had a wonderful and relaxing time in Bali at Tulamben. The diving was fantastic and we got to spend alot of family time together. EJ got along well with his babysitter which made mom and dad very glad. It is our favorite place to go for R and R.

Tulamben Diving

Yellow leaf fish
Trapania aurata
Thuridilla indopacifica

Pygmy sea horse
Nudi on nudi- as we found them
Chromodoris coi
Mantis shrimp
Dixie and the jacks
Soft coral crab
New froggie
Chromodoris sp
Crinoid lobster
Aegires gardineri
Mantis shrimp with eggs
Whip coral shrimp

Tiger shrimp
Chromodoris joshi
New flat worm

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunset on Dawn's last night
Waffles on the beach

Dawn and the Caribou
Mask faces after a fun time snorkeling

We had a great time when Dixie's sister Dawn came to visit from Minnesota. Hopefully she enjoyed it as much as we did. It was great seeing her and having some good sister time. The weather cooperated which enabled us to have a great drive around the island, snorkel, kayak, and just have alot of fun. Thanks for taking time off to spend with us sis.